DIY Eyebrow Tint – Save Time & Money On Your Morning Routine
Product: Godefroy Professional Eyebrow Tint Kit Price: $10.23 (4 pack starter kit), $15.50 – $21.95 (price varies depending on tint color) Where to buy: Amazon Personal Rating: 9.8 out of 10 Change Your Brow Game Forever Mommas, tell me if this sounds familiar. You wake up in the morning, crawl out of bed and walk into your baby’s room. With your eyes half shut, you pull them out of bed and drag yourself downstairs to feed them breakfast. Once they’re fed and happy, you make your way back upstairs to give them their morning bath. Now fed and dressed, it’s already time for a nap (yay!), which means you…
Treating Postpartum Depression – My Story
*Disclaimer:* This is my story dealing with Postpartum Depression. What worked for me, may not work for you. Postpartum depression is a very serious illness and should not be taken lightly. Please consult your doctor, before attempting to treat it on your own. Becoming a mother is my biggest and best accomplishment of my life and I have loved every minute of discovering the person my daughter is becoming. I wouldn’t trade being a mom for the world, however, there is a side to motherhood I was never expecting to experience. Mommas, I’m about to get real with you. When postpartum depression hits, it hits hard. I was 23…
Diaper Bag Checklist -Top 5 Items For Your Bottle-Fed Baby
While I was expecting, I, like many other mommas had planned on breastfeeding my new baby. I loved the health benefits and my husband loved the idea of the money we could save on formula. However, once my baby was born I found breastfeeding to be extremely challenging. My baby had a great latch but did not know how to actually suck, she had a condition known as tongue thrust. Through valiant efforts, I decided to exclusively pump and feed her my breast milk through a bottle, which then caused my milk supply to eventually dry up. So, after two long months of struggling to feed my baby breast…
Owlet Smart Sock 2 Baby Monitor- My Honest Review
Product: The Owlet Smart Sock 2 Baby Monitor Retail Price: $299.00 for sock monitor only (price varies), $149.00 for camera only, $399.00 for Sock + Camera Best Place to Buy: Amazon, eBay Personal Rating: 9 out of 10 The Owlet Smart Sock 2 is a wearable monitor that uses pulse oximetry to track heart rate and oxygen levels. It is the newest craze for parents and rightfully so. I’ve mentioned before that I swear by this device, and it’s clear to see why 94{cff05f84b557692690786f01aac343ca795d254bba52b32b6e7dc8eb4ccdb223} of parents have reduced anxiety and better quality of sleep after purchasing the Owlet. The Owlet comes with an app that portrays a preset range of…
Newborn Baby’s First Day Home-Top 5 Must Have Items
Once your baby arrives and your hospital stay is coming to an end, reality sets in that you are responsible for this tiny, fragile, human. Prior to this you could barely keep the succulents in the kitchen windowsill alive, and now you’re the sole caregiver and provider for a living breathing human? Breathe. Don’t panic. You’ve got this. And if you’re reading this, you have me to guide you through it. Now, I am definitely no expert, but I have taken first-hand experience from my own newborn baby’s first day home, and have come up with a list of the five most important items to have ready at your…
Printable Hospital Bag Checklist- Complete Print Out for Mom, Dad, & Baby
About the time I was 34 weeks pregnant, I started getting anxious about packing a bag for our hospital stay. I tried searching for items that veteran mommas had packed for their stays. What I found was a lot of long, overwhelming lists, that contained a lot of fluff items and what seemed to be over packing. To save you from sifting through these needlessly long lists, I have compiled a condensed packing list that includes everything you will need without over packing. This printable hospital bag checklist is complete with the necessary items for the whole family and is the exact list I used to pack for my own…
Hospital Bag Necessities- Momma’s Bag
It was 4:45 p.m. on a Monday afternoon. I sat in the hospital room, on the sheet-covered table, stripped from the waist down, fiddling with the sheet of paper that was draped over my legs. As I sat there, 38 weeks pregnant, my swollen feet losing circulation from hanging over the table, thoughts raced through my mind. A blur of commotion from the nurses was going on beside me as I stared blankly at a wall in disbelief of the news I was just given, I was dilated to 3.5 cm and my baby was coming. Panic had taken over, I wasn’t ready for this, I still had to pack…
Baby Hospital Bag Checklist-The Essentials for Your Newborn’s Arrival
If you’re anything like me, the mystery of labor and delivery is the most frightening part of pregnancy, for a first time mom. In order to feel more prepared I would watch videos of other mom’s giving birth. Piece of advice, do not do this. Avoid these videos at all costs. The videos are often traumatizing, untrue, and exaggerated. As labor drew closer, I remember feeling so scared and unprepared for what was about to happen in the delivery room. Becoming a mom is already overwhelming, and I was desperate for some sense of preparation and confidence. I have found that, the best way to prepare yourself for labor…
About Madysen
The minute those two lines appear on that pregnancy test, life does a 180. Suddenly your thoughts change from the latest fashion trends and hottest summer nail colors to maternity clothes and nursery themes. It’s not long before your head starts spinning. Welcome to The Momma Survival Guide, your ultimate guide to surviving motherhood. This site is designed to help new moms and moms to be, navigate the maze of parenting. MY STORY My name is Madysen Wilcox. I am a 26-year old, mom to a beautiful baby girl, and sweet little boy. I’m also the founder of The Momma Survival Guide. I grew up in a small town in…