Work From Home

Tailwind App – Post While You Sleep

Have you ever wondered how famous bloggers and influencers find the time to write out heartfelt captions and post pictures on their social media feed every day?

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. They don’t.

Instead, they have an app that does this for them. Ladies, I’m about to let you in on the best-kept secret of the online business world, say hello to your new best friend, Tailwind App.

Before using Tailwind I was lucky to get one visitor to my site, that wasn’t my mom. But, upon using Tailwind, my website traffic began to spike, quick. My numbers increased by over 1000{cff05f84b557692690786f01aac343ca795d254bba52b32b6e7dc8eb4ccdb223} in two days, I couldn’t believe it!

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What Is Tailwind?

So what is Tailwind and why did it have such a massive impact on my traffic? Well, simply because it was doing the work for me.

When I first started using Pinterest to market my business, I had no idea what I was doing. There was no method and it was complete madness. I would post here and there without any rhyme or reason, and it would literally take me hours to create good pins and then publish them.

Tailwind solved this problem for me and saved me an immense amount of time. It’s an automated marketing tool for Pinterest and Instagram that schedules and publishes Pins and posts throughout the day.

Yep, it literally posts for you. This means that while you are busy doing life, such as cooking, playing with your babies, or even sleeping, Tailwind is hard at work posting and publishing your Pins for you! The best part is, you can schedule weeks in advance.

Not only does Tailwind publish and post content for you, it takes all the data from your Pinterest profile and breaks down when your followers are most active, and how active they are. With this data, it then provides you with the best time slots for when you should post. It literally does all the hard work for you and eliminates the headache of trying to crack codes of difficult algorithms.

All you have to do it creates the Pin, select the board you want the Pin to publish to and Tailwind will take it from there. It’s really that simple.

And if you ever get lost, they have a live chat feature as well as easily accessible videos that show and explain in-depth how to operate and navigate the Tailwind App interface.

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As you can see, I have multiple Pins waiting in my queue, most of which are my own original content that links back to Momma Survival Guide, as well as other Pins from people in my Tailwind Tribe.Tailwind-App

Tailwind Tribes


Okay, this is marketing gold.

If you’re familiar with Pinterest, Tailwind Tribes is like a collaboration board on crack. It allows you to find people within your niche that will share and post relevant content to grow your reach and therefore grow traffic to your website.

I don’t know about you, but for me, networking is the hardest part of owning a business. It’s all about who you know, and finding people in your niche, that will genuinely support and help you. It’s a rare find, especially in the online world, until now.

Tailwind Tribes is the greatest tool in the history of internet marketing! It’s essentially a platform where you can search and find other bloggers on Pinterest, who are within your niche, and it allows you to post your Pins for thousands of people to share on their own pages, as long as you’re willing to return the favor.

Sort of like an “I scratch your back, you scratch mine” kind of mentality.

Mommas, this is HUGE! It’s the quickest way to get thousands of eyes on your pins, by having your content shared over and over to new audiences. It’s absolutely genius and the increase I saw in my traffic after joining even one Tailwind Tribe, was incredible.

If you want to step up your Pinterest game and low key kill it as a business owner, you must join Tailwind Tribes.

SmartLoop Feature

Along with Tailwind Tribes, Smartloop is another genius tool created to keep your evergreen content circulating through Pinterest.

It’s a recently new addition to the other tools provided and it makes Pinning even more effortless than before.

How it Works:

Say you have a Pin that performed really well in the past. It had an enormous reach, got a lot of re-pins and link clicks, but then the hype died off and traffic slowed down.

Well, with Tailwind SmartLoop feature, your traffic won’t die off or slow down. If you activate the SmartLoop feature on your Pin, Tailwind will then find the best times for engagement and post that Pin to your feed to keep it circulating and essentially “evergreen.”

This is the definition of working while you sleep. Tailwind App keeps your best posts circulating to keep driving more and more traffic to your website.

SmartLoop even has a seasonal option, for the Pins that make the most sense during certain times of the year. Have a great Pin for Halloween Costumes? Perfect, set your SmartLoop to publish that Pin for the whole month of October every year to optimize opportunities for traffic and maximize results!

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SmartLoop also keeps track of how your Pins are doing, so you can perfect the performance of each Pin over time.

Does It Cost Me Anything?

I know this probably all sounds too good to be true right? Well, it’s not, and let me tell you it even gets better. Tailwind App offers you a free trial, so you can try it risk-free.


It lets you post up to 100 Pins & 100 Instagram Posts for free, so you can really test it out and watch your traffic grow before purchasing. I will warn you though, once you try this free trial and see the growth of traffic to your site, you will be hooked!

The good news is the cost is very low.

For a monthly subscription of $14 and a 400 pin/month limit


Or sign up and get 4 months free with unlimited Pins, for a yearly subscription of $119, it’s extremely affordable and the results you will see are worth every penny.

Tailwind-AppThe benefit of the free trial, gives you the flexibility to see which social media platform will work best to market your business, before committing to a certain platform.

That being said, I would recommend Tailwind App to any blogger or influencer looking to utilize Instagram or Pinterest to market their online business, seeing as it doesn’t support other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Who Should Use Tailwind?

Tailwind is not for everyone. If you are focusing on marketing your business through Pinterest or Instagram, I would 10 times out of 10 recommend using Tailwind.

However, if you are going to focus on any other social media platform such as Twitter or Facebook, I would recommend finding an alternative.

As far as marketing through Pinterest or Instagram, if you’re a blogger or an online business owner, you would be crazy not to use Tailwind App. It will save you a colossal amount of time and will improve your reach and traffic by a landslide.

If you want to have a successful online business, the key to doing that is through traffic to your website. How do you get traffic to your website? Through marketing and social media.

Don’t waste any more time manually pinning and posting. Have Tailwind do it for you and sit back and watch your traffic grow!

Have you ever used Tailwind App? I would love to hear your success stories! Leave any tips suggestions or personal experience in the comments below!




  • Jay

    This is genius. How did you ever find something like this? I love making pins for Pinterest but sometimes it can be a bit much with having to keep logging on my computer at different times to pin them. And then having to re-pin them to other mom boards. I honestly don’t have the time and sometimes just miss the opportunity because I’m so busy with other things. This is a great find and it almost does the marketing for you with the scheduling and the loop feature. And I can’t complain about the monthly price, I think I spend more than that on ice-cream. Lol. Thanks so much for sharing this, i’ll be sharing it with some of my friends.

  • coralie

    Wow this is about the coolest post I have seen. I can’t believe that there is an app that does this. I have my own website and a full time job so I know how hard it is to do it all. There really aren’t enough hours in the day.
    Your post really breaks down the amazing features and cost of the app. I’m assuming it works for websites also. If it does I may have to check out the free trial.
    Great job. Love the website, looks great.

  • Ahearst

    This is definitely another very useful marketing tool for online marketers. With new technology constantly being pushed to the front in social media it’s hard to keep track our marketing campaign without the help of automation.

    I personally never heard of Tailwind, but since I am about to enter into Pinterest and Instagram social media marketing Tailwind is something I’ll look closely. The cost is very affordable indeed.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

  • Nate

    Oh I just recently got into Tailwind, very useful tool. Haven’t upgraded as I haven’t gotten to my pin max yet but I gotta say it’s super easy! Wish they had something like this for Twitter too. I didn’t know this until later, but that the time slots are automatically adjusted to my profiles peak times, so I changed them all haha oh well. Great review!

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