Stay Home Date Night Ideas – For After The Kids Go To Bed
We hear it all the time and you see it everywhere: “Never stop dating your spouse.” There is so much truth and power to this statement, because it’s so easy to get caught up in the mundane routine of life, that we forget to take a breather and reconnect with our spouse. We are so busy living life and raising our families, that we lose touch with the butterflies and sparks we craved while in the dating phase. It’s so crucial to date your partner for so many reasons. It keeps intimacy in the relationship and helps you check in with the other person, not to mention it can be…
Infant Car Seat Review: Britax B-Safe 35
When it comes to choosing a car seat, I know from experience it can be really hard to know if you’re making the right choice. After all, it could be the single most important decision you make regarding your baby’s safety. Mommas, let me tell you, the fear is real when it comes to your first car ride with your newborn baby. You know that drive home that every new mom anticipates when you first leave the hospital with your fragile little newborn. I remember feeling so scared thinking about any time where I would have to drive anywhere with my new baby, it was enough to make me consider…
Teether Easers – The Best Toys For Teething
Momma’s, I’m about to get into one of the hardest aspects of being a parent, teething. Unfortunately, most parents can agree with me when I say the most I’ve ever struggled with being a momma (besides the month I went without sleep) is when Hayvn is teething. So if you’re a first-time mom, don’t let this scare you, but take heed and prepare yourself now, for when that time comes. When Hayvn first started teething, it took me by surprise. My once happy, quiet, and smiley little girl had all of a sudden turned into a stage 5 clinger, full of inconsolable crying/screaming spells and was just an overall…
Exersaucer Or Jumperoo – Which One Is For You?
If you’re reading this, then you’ve probably already done some research regarding the best play-pens for your baby, and you’ve narrowed it down to two, the Exersaucer or the Jumperoo. As a parent in the millennial era, we are presented with so many choices in terms of baby items and baby toys that all claim to be the most educational, or the most beneficial in terms of development. I know from experience that this can seem overwhelming and make it hard to choose. One debate that is rapidly gaining traction is, whether to buy an Exersaucer or Jumperoo for your baby. If you’ve never owned or used either of…
Will I Ever Sleep Again? Tips For Getting A Baby To Sleep Through The Night
Do your new baby’s sleep habits have you feeling like you need an I.V. with coffee through a drip line? Mommas, this is what I like to call the zombie flu. It’s a flu that almost every new parent catches when they first bring their newborn home. Personally, I caught this flu and it hit me hard, and to be honest, it lasted way too long. In the wee hours of the night, I would find myself desperately searching for answers on getting a baby to sleep through the night. In my search, I found that for most babies, it is typical to start sleeping longer stretches once they…
Unique Baby Names – 200 Names For The Modern Momma
One of the hardest things about becoming a parent is finding the perfect name for your little baby. You never truly realize how hard it is until you and your spouse begin to disagree on every proposed name. If you’re anything like me, you may want to give your baby a unique name that will help them stand out but also don’t want anything too crazy or outlandish. That is why I have compiled the ultimate list of unique baby names, that are different and unusual, but not crazy out of this world, or let’s be honest just plain weird. This list is perfect for those mommas out there…
Kolcraft Umbrella Stroller – A Real Momma’s Review
Alright mommas here is my honest review of the Kolcraft Umbrella Stroller. Before purchasing this stroller, my husband and I owned a normal jogger stroller, and we loved it, however, it was just too big and took up so much space, and wasn’t really ideal for traveling. So we began looking into smaller, lightweight strollers, that we could more easily travel with and just store in the back of a car. Before I get into it I will say there are things I love about this stroller, as well as some things I dislike. So keep reading to find out everything you need to know before buying this stroller.…
The Best Toys For Baby’s First Year – Toys For Every Stage
When it comes to buying baby toys, it can definitely feel overwhelming when you type into the search bar and an explosion of colorful rattling toys appear in the results. All of them boasting how they’re the best toy for your baby. It can definitely make your head spin. This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission through purchases made on my site. This is at no extra cost to you, it simply keeps my site up & running. Click here to read more about this is my affiliate disclosure. As a new mom, the world of toys was extremely foreign, they all…
Posh Peanut Crib Sheets – A Real Review From A Real Mom
When Darin and I first found out we were pregnant, we were sure we were having a boy. My deepest instincts told me “it’s a boy,” “you’re going to be a ‘boy mom’.” I had boy clothes in my Amazon cart, I was looking at all the shades of blues and grays for the nursery. I was day-dreaming of the days filled with Tonka Trucks and race cars. This is a sponsored blog post. However, all opinions stated are honest and genuine. I do not promote any product that I do not believe in. You can read more by clicking here for my affiliate disclosure. So, you can…
Father’s Day Gift Ideas – 8 Personal Gifts For Dad
Alright, mommas, it’s that time of year again, Father’s Day is just around the corner! It’s a day dedicated to our amazing father’s, a much-needed and well-deserved holiday, but sometimes, it can also be a problematic one. Ladies, I don’t know about you, but my husband is literally the hardest man to shop for because if he needs something, he just goes out and gets it! So, if your man’s like this, or you just simply have no clue what to get for him, keep reading. I have compiled the ultimate list of personal gifts for dad. You can’t go wrong with a unique gift, that’s customized specifically for…