Parenting,  Work From Home

Become A Stay At Home Mom – Set Yourself Free!



Do you ever find yourself becoming a little jealous of your stay-at-home momma friends? Do you wish you could find a way to be home with your little ones, but it’s just not in the financial cards? Mommas I’m about to solve all those problems.

If you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume you want to know how you can become a stay at home mom. If this is true, then it also leads me to assume that you are sick and tired of leaving your babies at daycare to go to your day job, just to make enough money to pay for that daycare.

Sound about right? Well, let me just say, there is a way you can be home with your babies AND make money! The answer is to own an online business.


Now, this can mean anything from e-commerce, to a blog, or even dropshipping. Whatever it is, doing something online is the best way to set yourself free and work from home!

I’ll admit, at first I was skeptical, I’ve seen all the headlines and pins that bombard my Pinterest feed claiming to make $10k your first month of owning an online business. I’m gonna be real with you. I can’t and won’t promise you $10k in your first month, but I can promise you a successful business, all it takes is patience, hard work, and dedication.

Don’t let that scare you momma’s, anything good takes time and effort, however, as opposed to a normal day job, the reward of an online business is so much greater.

The benefit to starting up an online business is that you can put in as much or as little time and effort as you please, you make your own hours, you can spend all day with your babies, and you can enjoy what you do!

My website has now become my favorite pastime, and I’ve developed a passion I never knew I had. Keep reading to find out how you can make money and become a stay at home mom!

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission through purchases made on my site. This is at no extra cost to you, it simply keeps my site up & running. Click here to read more about this is my affiliate disclosure.

Don’t Go It Alone

The best way to become a stay at home mom and actually make money is to own an online business. But what is the best way to start an online business? My advice, don’t go it alone. As with any great skill or profession, the utilization of an educational program can be a massive help. So first things first, find an online program or course that will fit your needs.

The program I chose to go through was Wealthy Affiliate. After doing an extensive amount of research, I found that Wealthy Affiliate had the most tools and resources, and best of all, they have the option for a free membership!

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Like I said, I did extensive research and did not make this decision lightly, this is my business and source of income for crying out loud! As I sifted through other options, I found that Wealthy Affiliate ultimately had the most to offer, and I loved everything they were able to offer me, even in the free membership.

In terms of memberships, they have a couple of options, as I mentioned before they offer a free membership, as well as a premium membership which for a low cost, can be paid monthly, semi-annually, or annually.

Upon signing up, you will get access to everything listed below depending on the membership you choose:

Why Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate was the best option for me because of everything it offered, specifically the community, the live chat assistance, and the in-depth courses which break down everything you need to know about building and setting up a successful website.

For starters, with Wealthy Affiliate, you don’t have to know a thing about owning an online business. That’s right, you can be a complete novice, as long as you have access to a computer screen and a keypad, you are ready to go!

The courses that are offered are so easy and simple, my grandpa could do it. Wealthy Affiliate uses every type of media including videos, graphs, and text, to outline step-by-step everything you could possibly need to know about starting a successful online business.

Along with these core trainings, there is a live chat assistance tool where you can ask any question and a technical professional will assist you with any problem you run into.

The owners of Wealthy Affiliate are only a live chat away, which I love. The sense of community and the entire feel of the program is so personal. I have private messages between me and Kyle, one of the Wealthy Affiliate owners, who took the time to review and give feedback on my site.

Where else are you going to find that kind of personal interaction and coaching without paying thousands of dollars?

The live chat feature is my favorite because I am no computer programmer, so any time I have run into something I don’t fully understand, I simply write out my question and post it to a chat where it is answered immediately.

Of all the questions I have asked throughout my membership in Wealthy Affiliate,  have been answered and solved – and I ask a lot of questions.

Hobby or Business?

The next step is determining how seriously you want to take your business. Is this going to be a hobby or a full-on monetized business that will provide you the income you need to become a stay at home mom?

If you are looking for a good side hustle that can become a source of income for your family, I would definitely recommend the premium membership. However, if this is more of a hobby and something you would like to do for fun, you can’t go wrong with the free membership.

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When I set out on this journey of creating an online business, I was looking for something to do, so I joined the free membership and realized I was more passionate about this business than I thought. I soon realized I wanted to make it big in the online world. I wanted to own an online business that I could monetize and bring in some moola.

Once I figured out the direction I wanted to take, I dove all in. Like any business, I now saw my website as an investment and took the plunge. Yes, mommas, I went premium, and my oh my was it worth it!

When I started taking myself and my business seriously, I saw incredible results and it’s all thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate platform.


In just a month, I went from 0 unique visitors to my site to 1600 unique visitors. Yes, you read that right, 1600! This may not seem like much, but to put it in perspective, most online business owners that go at it alone, don’t see those numbers until well after the 6-month mark, if they even make it that far.

If you want real results and real success, Wealthy Affiliate will help you achieve that, and that’s a guarantee I am willing to stand behind.

My Online Business Journey

When I first set out to start an online business, I was a new mom, who wanted to be home with my baby but had no clue how I could do that. With the help of Wealthy Affiliate, I have now taken off, and can’t believe where this journey has taken me and can’t wait to see where else I will go.

They have provided me with all the tools and resources necessary to open the right doors and put me in front of the right people so that I have been able to see success in my business. It is still growing and I am still learning, but with this program I know I can’t fail.

All it takes is some effort, time, and patience and you will be successful. Wealthy Affiliate will not only help you get started but will help you grow and achieve the results and success you desire from your online business.

I can say with 100{cff05f84b557692690786f01aac343ca795d254bba52b32b6e7dc8eb4ccdb223} certainty Wealthy Affiliate is the best way to start an online business and become a stay at home mom. With all they have to offer and with the option of learning for free, it’s a no-brainer!

Do you want to stay home with your babies and watch them grow WHILE earning money? It’s easy! Click here to sign up for free today!




  • Andrea

    I have learned so much from reading about your experience with Wealthy Affiliate. It was thorough and a joy to read! I am looking to make some money online from home and I’ll definitely be looking deeper into this!

    • Madysen

      Hi Andrea!

      I’m so glad you found this helpful. If you’re looking to make some money from home, Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the way to go. They are so helpful and teach you everything you need to know! Good luck and thanks for stopping by!:)

      • Alisha

        You have listed very useful information. This not only gives great information about Wealthy Affiliate but also gives motivation that even i can make a business like this work for me. thank you so much

        • Madysen

          Yes, it’s an amazing platform that allows you to really succeed in owning your own online business. It is 100{cff05f84b557692690786f01aac343ca795d254bba52b32b6e7dc8eb4ccdb223} doable, all it takes is some time and effort on your end.

  • Jessica

    Thank you for sharing, Madysen! My kiddo is school-aged now, but I always wished that I could stay home with him. I’m glad to see you’re making it work!

    • Madysen

      In my experience, I’ve found that like you, it’s a dream for most moms to stay home with their little ones. Although he’s in school now, It’s never too late to embark on a new endeavor!

  • Ahearst

    You are absolutely right. Great things seldom if ever accomplished overnight. It may take weeks, months, sometimes even years before its fruition. The initial stage is the hardest, it takes a lot of time, patience and dedication. But as long as we don’t give up, we will be rewarded.
    I am a college student and will be spending 4 years in college and am paying about $60,000/yr ( well my parents are paying actually), so by the time I graduated they would have forked out about a quarter of a million.

    I spend 8-10 hours daily on my studies for 4 years. The thing is I will be lucky to get a $50,000 yearly job after spending that kind of money.

    Compare this to $359 yearly fees for Wealthy Affiliate. That’s not a lot of money at all. It will only buy dinner for me and my boyfriend, without the wine. With WA, we don’t have to wait 4 years to start earning money.

    So those who think $359 is expensive for the kind of training and education WA provides and the 24/7 support it gives, I suggest they should try stupidity.

    • Madysen

      You hit the nail on the head with this comment! I agree with you 100{cff05f84b557692690786f01aac343ca795d254bba52b32b6e7dc8eb4ccdb223} and seeing the break down of how much money you will spend on college with little to show for it is just sickening!

      It’s hard for me to understand, why anyone would spend so much money to work for someone else, when they could spend significantly less and work for themselves. To me, the answer is simple.

      Thank you for your comment!

  • Shellie

    Madysen, I am a true fan! I did a lot of research over the years and found one company that I almost partnered with… the kicker was their monthly investment. I cannot even start to express how excited I was to learn about WA. Their training is some of the best and the free membership is amazing, but what really got me is that I would have spent 7x more upgrading to a premium member with the other company and they didn’t include 25 hosting sites. I still have to pinch myself, lol. And, of course… the real topper is that I can now work alongside beautiful people, like yourself, out there with a mission to help others while enjoying our lives. You are a gem, my friend! Cheers to your success xx

    • Madysen

      Hi Shellie!

      I am so glad to hear that you went with Wealthy Affiliate! How could you not after seeing all it has to offer, right?

      I also compared a bunch of different programs and universities, and Wealthy Affiliate was by far the best and least expensive. They were also the only program to offer a free membership that includes so many resources.

      I’m so happy to hear that one of my mommas is finding success through this platform! I wish you all the best! Thanks for stopping by:)

  • Jay

    I’ve been wanting to start an online business for a while now but couldn’t seem to find the right way to get started. I work a full time job and have a 2 year old and I hate leaving him at daycare every morning, it just breaks my heart. I love that you explained everything so well, and I am in awe that you managed to start your own business and see so many visitors in a short time. Can I ask though, how can I make money from it? I need to be able to have the extra income so I can leave my full time job. What can you recommend? Thanks so much for sharing this.

    • Madysen

      Hi Jay!

      You are exactly the Momma I am talking to. I’m so glad you were able to find this post and I hope you check out Wealthy Affiliate. They will give you all the tools you need to stay home with your little one.

      As for making money, I am so glad you asked. Wealthy Affiliate helps you monetize your website through affiliate marketing.

      Meaning you promote products and services through links on your site and are compensated for any items, visitors buy through those links on your site at no extra cost to them.

      It’s a win-win and a great way to earn the extra income you need to be home with your baby.

      I hope that answers your question. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  • Donna

    Thank you for giving me an insight into Wealthy Affiliate and also for sharing with me your struggle. Balancing both motherhood and a career is something that all Mums go through. I have taken your advice and I have become a member of WA. I couldn’t be more happy with your recommendation. It is everything and more than you described.

    • Madysen

      Hi Donna!

      I am so ecstatic to hear that you have joined Wealthy Affiliate! I wish you all the best and success. You have made an awesome decision. I want what’s best for all my mommas, and this is a great move for you. Congrats and good luck on your endeavor with starting an online business!

  • Ivan Brozincevic

    I’ve been searching for a legit way to make money online for a long time. It’s awful to see how many companies out there use people who are looking for an honest opportunity. Those promises that you can earn a $10K in a month are pure BS. Thanks for being honest with your recommendation. I’ll take a look at it definitely. Do you have a review so I can learn more before I join?

    • Madysen

      Hi Ivan!

      Well if you’re looking for a legit way to make money, look no further! Haha Wealthy Affiliate is legit and has completely changed my life.

      I agree it’s so annoying to see other companies making these ridiculous claims and exploiting people who are looking for honest ways to make money. When I chose to start an online business, I vowed to myself, I would be nothing but honest and transparent throughout my entire journey. So when I talk about Wealthy Affiliate, you can have peace of mind in knowing that you’re making a good decision, because I would never stand behind something I didn’t believe in and I would never make dishonest claims or promotions.

      I don’t have a review quite yet. That is a great suggestion though, I will start working on one. Until then, you can refer to the Wealthy Affiliate website, which I have linked throughout this post, where you will find more detailed info! Let me know if you have any other questions!

      Thanks for stopping by! Hope this was helpful:)

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